But then I though, "nah, screw that. I should see what other people post on their ADHD blogs instead!
So I did. And I'm back here now. You may have noticed that.
While wandering around the interwebs and checking out whatever ADHD blogs caught my eye, I noticed something: a lot of them are kind of *serious* and also take themselves very seriously. They seem goal-oriented and full of thinky thoughts.
And I started getting worried. By putting it right out there that this is a blog that's sort of thematically about ADD, will people be expecting SRS BIZNS? Cause this is really, really not.
So, without further ado:
This blog is not:
- SRS BIZNS (See above.)
- nor will it take itself seriously.
- ...in fact, it probably won't take much of anything seriously.
- going to try to fix all your ADHD issues.
- sound professional about, well, anything. (Unless I get all literary; then it might. But probably not.)
- going to use text or internet speak, except ironically. (See: SRS BIZNS)
- going to try to sound intelligent. (Because it doesn't need to try, duh.)
- going to be all that organized. Or even a little organized.
This blog is likely to:
- contain incoherent rambling.
- jump from subject to subject, with only minor transitions. (See: ADHD blog)
- contain obscure references to: literature, TV, internet memes, in-jokes with my friends.
- If you'd like an explanation, feel free to ask. I might even give you one.
- be inappropriate for anyone below the age of 13. Probably18. There will be swears, and possibly dirty jokes.
- So please monitor your child's internet usage and don't bitch to me about my language or choice of subject matter. You will be mocked, soundly. Fair warning. Family, this includes you.
- contain conversations by and about the people in my life.
- be incredibly geeky. Like, D&D/Dr. Who/ acknowledging the existence of fandom levels of geeky.
- You can totally mock that. As long as you expect to be mocked in kind.
- contain whining about grad school. Lots of it.
- get bitchy and sarcastic at times.
- contain random-ass stories that amuse me. I'm hopeful they will amuse you as well, but no promises.
- occasionally self-congratulatory. Don't worry, I'm almost always making fun of myself when I do that.
- contain incredibly weird tags, because it amuses me to make up nonsensical and overly wordy tags. (See previous bullet point.)
- contain lists that lose track of where I was going.... shit, where was I going?
And once in a while, there might:
- be some thinky thoughts about serious subjects. Sorry, but they're bound to sneak in occasionally.
Still with me? God, why?
Oh, right. Cause I'm awesome*.
(*See section 2, #10.)
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