Monday, December 26, 2011

What this blog is, and what it isn't

I got bored tonight and thought, "hey, why don't I post something on my blog?"

But then I though, "nah, screw that. I should see what other people post on their ADHD blogs instead!

So I did. And I'm back here now. You may have noticed that.

While wandering around the interwebs and checking out whatever ADHD blogs caught my eye, I noticed something: a lot of them are kind of *serious* and also take themselves very seriously. They seem goal-oriented and full of thinky thoughts. 

And I started getting worried. By putting it right out there that this is a blog that's sort of thematically about ADD, will people be expecting SRS BIZNS? Cause this is really, really not. 

So, without further ado:

This blog is not:

  1. SRS BIZNS (See above.)
  2. nor will it take itself seriously.
  3. fact, it probably won't take much of anything seriously.
  4. going to try to fix all your ADHD issues.
  5. sound professional about, well, anything. (Unless I get all literary; then it might. But probably not.)
  6. going to use text or internet speak, except ironically. (See: SRS BIZNS)
  7. going to try to sound intelligent. (Because it doesn't need to try, duh.)
  8. going to be all that organized. Or even a little organized.
This blog is likely to: 
  1. contain incoherent rambling.
  2. jump from subject to subject, with only minor transitions. (See: ADHD blog)
  3. contain obscure references to: literature, TV, internet memes, in-jokes with my friends. 
    • If you'd like an explanation, feel free to ask. I might even give you one.
  4. be inappropriate for anyone below the age of 13. Probably18. There will be swears, and possibly dirty jokes.
    • So please monitor your child's internet usage and don't bitch to me about my language or choice of subject matter. You will be mocked, soundly. Fair warning. Family, this includes you.
  5. contain conversations by and about the people in my life.
  6. be incredibly geeky. Like, D&D/Dr. Who/ acknowledging the existence of fandom levels of geeky.
    • You can totally mock that. As long as you expect to be mocked in kind.
  7. contain whining about grad school. Lots of it.
  8. get bitchy and sarcastic at times.
  9. contain random-ass stories that amuse me. I'm  hopeful they will amuse you as well, but no promises.
  10. occasionally self-congratulatory. Don't worry, I'm almost always making fun of myself when I do that.
  11. contain incredibly weird tags, because it amuses me to make up nonsensical and overly wordy tags. (See previous bullet point.)
  12. contain lists that lose track of where I was going.... shit, where was I going?
And once in a while, there might:
  1. be some thinky thoughts about serious subjects. Sorry, but they're bound to sneak in occasionally.
Still with me? God, why?
Oh, right. Cause I'm awesome*. 

(*See section 2, #10.)

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